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Sparrow Desigin 1Implementation

Component Name: SparrowDesigin1

Configure value

  • Text: Input the text you need in your desigin
  • Images: Input the list, list contain images link ["link1","link2"]

Sparrow Desigin 2Implementation

Component Name: SparrowDesigin2

Configure value

  • Heading: Input the Heading value in the desigin
  • Text: Input the text you need in your desigin
  • Image: Input the image link
  • AuthorImage: Input the author image link
  • Author: Input the author name
  • Date: Input the date when it was written

Sparrow Desigin 3Implementation

Component Name: SparrowDesigin3

Configure value

  • Heading: Input the Heading value in the desigin
  • ContentList: Input the content list as json list. json contains [{ title: "Application", content: "Content goes here Content goes here" }]

Sparrow Desigin 4Implementation

Component Name: SparrowDesigin3

Configure value

  • Content: Input the content as json { "row1Heading": "Hi! I'M CHARLI", "row1content": "Content goes here Content goes here","row2Heading":"DIGITAL DESIGNER","row2content":"'ve been in the desigin industry since +15 years. I craft digital products tah are useful & enjoyable for the final user" }
  • Color: Input the content color
  • BgColor: Input the content background color